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CCCAM INSTALLATION AND SETUP (C line and F line) – Step by Step

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CCCAM INSTALLATION AND SETUP (C line and F line) – Step by Step  Empty CCCAM INSTALLATION AND SETUP (C line and F line) – Step by Step

Пишување by dejanpetrusevski Пет 31 Aвг 2012 - 10:40

CCCAM INSTALLATION AND SETUP (C line and F line) – Step by Step - Begginer to Advanced Complete Tutorial

Basic Tutorial for Educational Purposes.

Remember that watching Satellite TV without a valid subscription is illegal.

What do you need?

1. DCC – latest version for Enigma 1 (DM500s and others) is 2.96
For Enigma 2 (DM600HD and others) latest is 1.42 but all versions will do

2. CCcam – latest version is 2.3.0

3. Install CCcam

Install CCcam on your Dreambox - follow very good tutorial by munna. You will download and install CCcam directly from your Dreambox.

You can also install CCcam manually if you have the necessary expertise – I will leave it up to you!

Once you install CCcam make sure you set it up as your Default Cam in your Dreambox

4. Install DCC

DCC is a straightforward setup – proceed with defaults throughout the setup

5. Setting up and working with DCC

Open DCC - Update your Dreambox IP address, User and Pass

Connect, go down and choose FTP

Choose var/etc, rightclick CCcam.cfg and press edit

C Line

6. Adding Servers (people from whom you are going to get cards) to your CCcam

So now you are ready to insert servers in CCcam. You need to set up a line in the CCcam.cfg we just opened:

The C line will enable you to connect to the server

This is the information you need to set up a basic C line (all the information is given to you by your friend and will come in this format):

C: 12000 12userfromserver34 12passfromserver34 no { 0:0:2 }

Port Forwarding

Make sure you forward port 12000 to your dreambox ip, and also to allow your dreambox to access the ports given by servers.

1: Your server’s dns ip:
2: Your server’s CCcam Listen Port: 12000
3: Your server’s CCcam User: 12userfromserver34
4: Your server’s CCcam Password: 12passfromserver34
5: Choose whether to receive EMM (Emu’s) from your peers: 'no' (or 'yes')
6: Insert the distance of Hops you want to receive (in this case Hop 2): { 0:0:2 }

So most of the time you just copy the C line sent by server, and paste it in the CCcam.cfg.

The ‘no’

The 'no' means that you will not take EMM (Emu’s) from your peers. CCcam can do its own EMM work if you add a recent Autoroll.key and Softcam.key in the var/keys folder. Change to ‘yes’ if you want to receive peer’s emu.

The ‘0:0:2’

The 0:0:2 means that you will only receive cards at a Hop 2 from your peers. Just decide how many Hops away you want to receive (1,2,3,4,5)

Exclude fake and old cards

To exclude known fake and old cards you have to insert this line after the password of each single Cline:

no { 0:0:2, 100:3, 100:4, 100:5, 100:9, 100:A, 100:c, 100:d, 100:E, 100:f, 100:10, 100:11, 100:12, 100:13, 100:14, 100:19, 100:1A, 100:1B, 100:1c, 100:1d, 100:20, 100:21, 100:25, 100:26, 100:29, 100:2E, 100:31, 100:33, 100:34, 100:37, 100:64, 100:66, 100:67, 100:6b, 100:6d, 100:70, 100:71, 100:72, 100:73, 100:8C, 100:A0, 100:A1, 100:A2, 100:A3, 100:100, 100:8227, 100:beef, 100:ffff, 500:80, 500:500, 500:1540, 500:1570, 500:2100, 500:2500, 500:4800, 500:5500, 500:7000, 500:7010, 500:8000, 500:8800, 500:8c00, 500:8c10, 500:9c00, 500:9C10, 500:9C20, 500:9C30, 500:9C40, 500:a000, 500:A800, 500:A810, 500:A820, 500:AC00, 500:B400, 500:C, 500:C010, 500:C020, 500:C030, 500:c400, 500:c410, 500:C800, 500:C810, 500:C820, 500:C830, 500:C840, 500:C850, 500:C860, 500:C870, 500400, 500540, 500800, 500:e400, 500:E410, 500:E430, 500:E440, 500:E450, 500:E470, 500:E800, 500:F000, 500:F520, 500:F800, 500:10c00, 500:10c10, 500:10c20, 500:10c30, 500:11000, 500:11c00, 500:12000, 500:12010, 500:12800, 500:12810, 500:12C00, 500:13400, 500:14400, 500:14800, 500:14880, 500:14C00, 500:15000, 500:16400, 500:16800, 500:16810, 500:16C00, 500:16C10, 500:16C20, 500:17000, 500:17010, 500:18c00, 500:19000, 500:19400, 500:19410, 500:19420, 500:19430, 500:19440, 500:1a400, 500:1ac00, 500:20600, 500:20610, 500:20620, 500:20630, 500:20640, 500:20a10, 500:20a20, 500:20a30, 500:20B20, 500:20c00, 500:20c10, 500:20c20, 500:20C30, 500:20C40, 500:21510, 500:21570, 500:21c00, 500:21C10, 500:22100, 500:22110, 500:50000, 618:0, 924:0, 9A0:0, d00:4, d00:8, d00:14, D00:64, D00:68, d01:50, d01:54, D02:80, D02:88, d02:8c, D03:B0, D03:C0, D03:C4, d03:c8, D04:14, d05:c, d0c:c, d0c:10, d0c:14, d0c:18, 1702:6a, 1800:1, 1800:101, 1800:801, 1800:901, 1800:1201, 1800:1301, 1800:1811, 1800:1911, 1800:4001, 1800:4101, 1800:4601, 1800:4701, 1800:4801, 1800:4901, 1800:4A01, 1800:4B01, 1800:6E01, 1800:6F01, 1800:7001, 1800:7101, 1800:7401, 1800:7501, 1800:9401, 1800:9501, 1800:C001, 1800:C101, 1801:7811, 1801:7911, 1802:8C11, 1802:8D11, 4aa0:0 }

7. C line for your Peer

Now you need to give the information to your peer/friend:

1: Your dns ip:
2: Your CCcam Listen Port: 12000
3: Your CCcam User: 67useryouchoose89
4: Your CCcam Password: 67passyouchoose89

C: 12000 67useryouchoose89 67passyouchoose89

F Line

1. Adding a Peer (people you are going to give cards to) to your CCcam

If you are sharing it is usually two way. You give your cards and the other person gives you his cards. So you need to allow the server to connect to your CCcam. You will need to set up an F line to enable your Friend to connect to your server.

This is the information you need to set up a basic F line (you decide all the information to set up in this format):

F: 67youdecide89 67youdecide89

1: User: 67useryouchoose89
2: Password: 67passyouchoose89

F: 67useryouchoose89 67passyouchoose89

Please note that every user needs a different user and password.

Now just put the two lines in the CCcam.cfg file, save and restart CCcam from dreambox.

2. More F Line Settings

F: 67useryouchoose89 67passyouchoose89 2 0 0 { 0:0:3 } { } { }

The 2 0 0

The 2 means that the peer will get all cards at a maximum of 2 hops away from you.

The first 0 means that the peer gets no emus from you. Change to 1 to get peer’s emu.

The other 0 means that the peer is not allowed to send us emm. Change to 1 to take peer’s emu. Please note that there has to be a corresponding entry in the in the server you are sharing with.

The { 0:0:3 }

The 3 means that the peer can share your cards down two further levels beyond his own level. (If you have servers who are not allowing you any reshare, you should change this number to 0 or 1)

The IP or DNS address at the end of the F line

The IP Address at the end of the F:line makes sure that only the specified peer connects to your server. This may prove very useful with hackers!

Restricting shares

If you want to restrict what your peers get, you have to configure your peer's F line to which you want to block a card in the following manner. The following example restricts Canal+ Digitaal Nederland (19E). You can change to whatever caid you want:

F: user pass 3 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:00006a } { 0100:00006a:07d4, 0100:00006a:07d5 } { } change-to-user's-ip

Therefore user will not be allowed to view Canal+ Digitaal Nederland (19E) (0100:00006a) but is allowed to view the following two channels on Canal+ Digitaal Nederland (19E): Rtl 4 (0100:00006a:07d4), Rtl 5 (0100:00006a:07d5)

If you want to allow him to view Canal+ Digitaal Nederland (19E) but not to share it you have to add a ‘:1’ :

F: user pass 3 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:00006a:1 } { } { } change-to-user's-ip

Server Activity

If you want to view your Server activity you need to install and set up CCcamInfoPHP. It is a straight forward installation and setup

The above settings should work well with most servers.

Good Luck!
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